Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 5: Doing Good

My sleeping schedule is getting back to normal. I went to bed at 10:30p and woke up at 10:30a. 12 hours of sleep seems like a lot but I feel good today. I can feel air movement through the air passages even though I know there's splints in them. I'll take it easy again today but I think I'm getting out of the house today for a quick adventure. Pick up lunch maybe? I know I need more saline spray. Weird looks or not, I don't care.

Neat thing is I was able to taste a flavor for the first time since Monday! Garlic. I can only faintly taste it but at least it's something!!

My swelling is going down visibly with my jaw and and cheeks. I can actually start to smile again. I smile with teeth not lips only. It's coming! Also the black and blue from my eyes are fading even more.

Looking at this photo my nose looks a little different in sizes but you have to remember my left side was my problem side. It probably has more inflammation and swelling due more work on that side... at least that's what I'm telling myself. Seems like a valid hypothesis.

Don't think I don't wear my nose guard or drip thingy! I just take it off and take a photo so we can see what the healing process looks like. This is how I look the other 99.9% time when I'm not taking a photo for the blog. Also I have to take off my gauze mustache for eating or it gets gross.

Update on Leaving the House:
I went out to pick up some food to-go and get more saline spray. I got so many weird looks and sideways glances! Also I got fatigued easily. My nose started to throb and my eyes were still sensitive to the light and they started dripping again. A 30 minute excursion wore me out! It was nice to get out but I'm staying in for the next few days until I have to get these splints taken out and the bruising/swelling goes down more. 

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