Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 7: One Full Week Since Surgery

I never thought that I'd finally reach an entire week post-surgery. Midway through I was convinced I'd never feel better. Everyday I get stronger and healthier. I feels like the splint in my left nostril shifted during the night. I can't get the saline spray into that nostril anymore but it gets removed tomorrow morning.

I still get fatigued when I leave the house for too long. I don't get too tired while doing light chores or cooking but I'm not sure how tomorrow is going to go. I go to work after getting the splint removed. I'm looking forward to no more bag-face showers.

Swelling and bruising is decreasing. I think the black and blue under my eyes is just about gone. Ugh, my nose is still bulbous though! Luckily the swelling is starting to even out. If you look at day 5 or 6 photos vs this one, my left side is going down! Hurray!


  1. dear Erica, today is day 7 of my closed septoplasty and biturbinoplasty. my left side which was deviated is sore. mainly i think was due to the doctor's attempt to pull scabs yesterday. my right nostril has better airflow but my left has little airflow. I am starting regret my decision.

  2. Hi Erica, Thanks so much for creating this day by day account of your surgery. I had septoplasty + done one week ago today and I found your experience and advice REALLY helpful. Especially Post-Op Day 2: AKA Hell.
    thank you

  3. I have been enjoying this as well, thank you! I just my splints removed a few hours ago, I never looked up what the nose splints looked like and when I seen it come out of my nose today I know why... Despite the size of the splints it was cutting the stich thy was the worst part pain wise for me. Once I seen the first one come from what felt the center of my skull I was like, get the other fucker out now please Doc!! In all I’m on day 6 now and I can already tell It is very taxing on my body and energy. Listed a house took pictures (real estate sales) and came home and crashed hard for an hour, so drained so easy. Hoping it goes up from here.
