Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 8: Splints Removed!

My splints were removed and my sutures taken out this morning. It was an uncomfortable feeling to have 2 giant plastic things taken from my nostrils. I didn't know but apparently they're sutured into place. This is really, really gross I know, but here's what they look like. You can see how big they are compared to my nose guard (it's on the right with the tape still on it). Ew!!

The sutures that were holding my nose together were removed after that. I think there were 5 or 6 of them. It was a little pinchy but not that painful. Here's what it looks like now!

Since the splints were removed, my nose looks smaller. I talked to the doctors and it will take a few weeks (or months) to determine how my nose it will look in the end. During surgery they over-corrected my septum to the right because it tends to try and heal back in the same direction it was. It sure looks straight to me! Look I can smile again!!

Here is the photo on my first post the day before surgery. Notice how my straight my nose is after! Now the swelling just needs to decrease.

I am breathing entirely out of BOTH passages. It's a weird but amazing feeling. The surgery was totally worth it. Also, I was able to taste most of everything at lunch!

I'm only going to be posting weekly photos on Tuesdays to show the progression of swelling for the first month or so. All the exciting stuff has already happened.

I'm truly thankful to Dr. Ramakrishnan, his team at ENT, and University Colorado Hospital for making my nose A) straight and B) usable. I wouldn't want to go through this again but I am 100% glad that I underwent this surgery.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I'm having my splints removed tomorrow. I like how fuller my nose looks with them in, but it will probably look like it did before. I don't care, as long as breathing is good, and taste and smell come back in full! ~ Jerry

    1. I have my splints removed Tuesday. How do you keep from blowing your nose? Ill just be happy yo breathe smell and taste again!

    2. Unfortunately I had a ton of dripping and I used gauze taped to my nose if I got frustrated from dabbing. Keep strong over the weekend and you'll do great!

  2. Thank you for creating this blog. It was very helpful to me as I am recovering and experiencing many of the same things you did. I get my splints out in 2 days and cannot WAIT!
