Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 6: I Sneezed Today... Ow and Ew

I have been lucky enough not to sneeze, until today. It's painful and you get very concerned that it might harm your nose. Sneeze with your mouth open but of course, there is nose involvement. It ached for awhile after but I don't think there will be lasting damage!

After about a half hour I begin to have a smell... a gross sort of rotten smell. I couldn't place it until it reminded me of the Coroner's Office. I have been a volunteer/intern for our local office for 2 years. Great, the sneeze dislodged some tissue or blood that's been sitting around, and now I smell the morgue all the time. Thank God I'm used to that smell but I don't like that it's emanating from the inside of my nose! If you haven't been around the dead much it has this sickly-sweet, harsh smell. Ugh. I hope it goes away soon.

Sleep was hard last night. My nose feels best when I'm lying on my back but I'm typically a side sleeper and my back hates it. It must have taken at least 2 hours to fall asleep. Oh the sleeping problems.

Swelling and bruising is still decreasing! My nose still looks huge and a little lopsided. This is as big as my smile gets; the swelling keeps me from doing my full smile!


  1. Ugh, I used to get really bad bloody noses as a kid and everything would clot up in my sinuses and smelled EXACTLY like what you describe. I now know that smell is morgue. Creepy.

  2. I had my first septoplasty when I was in college in the 80's and the procedure was much like yours, and the memory of that smell haunted me for years! I feel for you and really admire your spirit in sharing your story on this blog.

    I just had the procedure done again (after much deliberation, because that first one didn't change much for me) 3 days ago and the recovery this time is much nicer. My doctor's method is to remove the packing the very day after the surgery. This is making for an infinitely less stressful (and smelly ;) recovery so far.

  3. I sneezed a lot starting from day 2 till day 5 when the packing was removed. Sneezing was normal with no pain so people must not be concerned with sneezing after septoplasty.
