Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day of surgery

bear with me, im typing this on my cell phone with no auto-correct!

So im waiting at the hospital for my surgery. i showed up about 5:30a and now its the waiting game. im not sure why i had to get here 2 hours early. i stopped eatting and drinking last night at 8p. im not hungry since im anxious but i am thristy. my throat feels dry but thats probably from sleeping with my mouth open. im trying not to touch my face but my nose hurts. i usually have to rub it and touch it to make it feel better. ive got my normal nose drip and its a little stuffed up. thats the norm for me.

its hard just to just sit here and wait. im scared but they do this surgery all the time. more people are showing up and chilling in the waiting room with me. im the only person not sitting with anyone but thats okay.

they gave me a living directive and will to fill out. i tried to look it over but i just cant right now.

i was taken to the patient area about 6ish. it looks like the emergency room. i was told to take all my clothes off and put into a gown opening in the back. an IV with a saline drip was placed into my right forearm. they're really nice here and answered all my questions. im still a little nervous... they said they have to turn my pacemaker off for my surgery. my stomach is in knots and that thirstyness isnt going away.

my nose is still ichy. i dont want to touch it bit i cant help. talking to the nurse i guess i'll be in pain but it will more burn or itch afterwards. not looking forward to that.

The surgery should take 1 to 2 hours. then ill go to the recovery area where ill be brought out and monitored. i vomitted up a lot of blood for my wisdom teeth surgery. i hope this doesnt happen again. i guess they're adding zofran to my drug cocktail to fight that.

not much else to do but wait.. wish me luck!

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