Thursday, September 20, 2012

Post-Op Day 2: AKA Hell

Last night was as close to hell as I could ever imagine. I got very little sleep and my body hates sitting up this entire time. The throbbing! I started getting very nauseous around 11p last night and kept it at bay until this morning. I've been sick due to all the drainage. I threw up twice. :(  I'm not sure how but the pain is getting worse. Immediately after surgery was a walk in the park compared to this. I'm exhausted, tired, sick, and sore. The pain hasn't let up one bit but my swelling keeps increasing. How much more can it go? I really need my eyes to see. I'm surprised that the pain keeps increasing! My body aches, teeth aches, headaches, I'm so tired I could cry but it hurts to cry. Everything hurts.

And if you didn't know this about me I've had open heart surgery. So which is worst this procedure? This or open heart surgery... I'm not really sure. It's like comparing apples and oranges. At least with the heart surgery I could sleep and laying down wasn't an issue.

One of the major problems is I can't leave my bed for more than a minute or two! I get crazy-bad chills and when I stand my nose hurts more. It feels like I'll be confined to sitting on my couch forever. This is kind of like hell... truly. I keep looking at the clock hoping time will move faster but nope, I'm in a Twilight Zone episode where it only gets worse not better after time.


  1. I too have just had this done. A week after the Op I feel like hell still.

    1. Sorry to hear you're still feeling bad!! It's a long process but you'll sure be glad in 6mo to a year you had it done. Keep up the good healing!
